Gypsy Rose Clothing Boutique, a digital plan for success

Starting a new business is never easy. One could create a list of do not’s that is a mile long. However, developing the right marketing plan with the right mix of digital marketing strategy sprinkled in, could lead to success that one could only imagine. Dedication, good ole fashioned homework and a little bit of grit will help your new business succeed.

Gypsy Rose is a new regional clothing boutique. They feature unique clothing styles that use organic materials, and strongly believe in sustainable sourcing for all of its clothing and accessories it sells. Giving back to the community is also important element to the Gypsy Rose brand. All product is sold, currently, on its brand new website. Although, future plans are being made to open a brick-and-mortar store, as well. Primary customers are millennials, and Gen-Z’s of are socially concise of where their clothing comes from, and how it was made.

A strong, well-build e-commerce website will be the critical piece in the success of this new clothing boutique. Following up, and supporting the website, will be great images of product and clothing to use on across all the social media channels, Gypsy Rose plans on using. A monthly, planned calendar of every interaction on each social media channel must be created to support these channels or success will not be achieved.

Customer Influence Efforts.

Gypsy Rose has no existing customers, other than friends and family that love the clothing. All its resources and efforts will be used to promote the
e-commerce side of the website. Promotions on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest will be used to earn clients and promote traffic to the website.

Channels and Tactics.

Facebook will be the main digital marketing channel used to promote Gypsy Rose to new clients. The story and mission of Gypsy Rose will be used to explain the sustainable efforts Gypsy Rose supports in the development / creation of its’ clothing line and accessories. Images of the clothing, being made and finished product, will be used, along with short videos of the same content. Promotions and percentage off discounts will be given to those that sign up for the Gypsy Rose email list. A further email campaign and landing page will be developed to encourage new clients to place that first order.

In addition, a stylist will be available for those interest in putting different looks together for a special event or vacation.

Gypsy Rose will also need to make additional expenditures on Facebook to promote advertising and boost posts to targeted Facebook audiences.

Clients will be able to share images of themselves in Gypsy Rose clothing.

Instagram will be the secondary digital marketing channel to be used by Gypsy Rose to promote and earn new customers for its’ business. Images of the clothing, being made and finished product, will be used to promote the business, encouraging customers to visit the e-commerce website for further information, promotions and content.

Pinterest will be the last digital marketing channel that will be used by Gypsy Rose. Images will be used to promote the clothing product and the stylist will put together different “looks” for potential clients to see, so they can vision what they might look like in Gypsy Rose clothing.

“making the client feel like they are a princess walking on a red carpet for the first time.”

Ongoing Implementation.

As Gypsy Rose gathers new clientele and return purchases from existing clients, a loyalty program will need to be developed. Gypsy Rose can continue to cultivate and reward those that have been there since the beginning. This includes dedicated email campaigns, that use promotions, discounts and special services to engage clients. Gypsy Rose must continue to make those clients feel special when they purchase each piece of clothing. Gypsy Rose should encourage clients to tell them story about the special outfit they were for that special occasion, wedding, birthday or engagement. These stories, could encourage and new client to make that purchase, so they feel just as special for their event, birthday or celebration. With clothing it is all about making the client feel like they are a princess walking on a red carpet for the first time.

One thought on “Gypsy Rose Clothing Boutique, a digital plan for success

  1. I like your plan! This company sounds like one I’d actually shop at. I guess they’re already doing a good job with demand generation. 🙂


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