The tight race for customers attention

   Ecommerce has been one of the top growing industries within just a few years since the huge growth of the number of users and how easy it turned to enter websites, stores, connect and interact all within a hand pocket size device.  One of the top mobile shopping apps has been competing for customers' attention … Continue reading The tight race for customers attention

App Showdown: Amazon and Walmart

What I think of when someone says Amazon or Walmart is convenience. Growing up in a small town, the "thing" to do on a Friday or Saturday night was go to the local Walmart with a group of friends and mess around, simply because it was something to do. I have always loved Amazon, but … Continue reading App Showdown: Amazon and Walmart

Knead a Marketing Strategy. Bake a Uniform Business.

Photo by Nadya Spetnitskaya on Unsplash. Edited on Canva. Digital is no longer considered a separate entity from marketing. It is a holistic part of any marketing strategy, and a plan without it is like trying to bake bread without yeast. You’ll get something. It just might not be as tasty or as beautiful as … Continue reading Knead a Marketing Strategy. Bake a Uniform Business.