I’m Bringing Fanny Packs Back (yeah). And other ramblings.

What’s old is new, what’s new is scary, and what’s scary is sort of cool again. Some trends should be left where society left them. Baggy jeans were a thing in the early 2000’s, and all that got me was walking around with small sails around my legs. Super high platform shoes? Never fear, you won’t see any of those at my boutique. Nay! At my clothing galleria, we will be bringing back a trend, paired with the an old classic. Crazy suits plus zany fanny packs! Oh yes, DudZ on Broadway is open for business!

Fanny packs (or bum bags as some of our neighbors across the pond call them) have become popular again in the last few years. I know in Green Bay, I see people wearing them at the Farmer’s Market, bars, and even at a movie theater. I’ll ask one of the users, where did they get the item? Usually, the answer is an online retailer, and it takes a month to arrive.

No more.

With the arrival of DudZ on Broadway, northeast Wisconsin now has an awesome retail supplier of fanny packs. That’s just the tip of the iceberg however, as we carry the most decorative suits you could possibly dream of. Comfortable too. You could sleep in these bad boys. I wouldn’t recommend it, but you could. DudZ on Broadway, or DoB will need a strong digital strategy though, as we can’t just rely on walk in customers. Let’s dive in!

Customer Influencing Efforts + Channels and Tactics

At DoB headquarters, we have already approached a few Packer players and WLUK Fox11 news anchors to utilize as local influencers. I believe the potential cost of hiring a social media spokesperson will lead to more sales than a simple Facebook ad- you see one of those everyday, and usually scroll past it. In 2018, fanny packs were 25% of accessory sales, and I think I can double that figure.

Granted, I myself have purchased three this year. Huh.

Instagram will be an excellent resource due to the fact that you don’t even feel like you’re being marketed to most of the time. On the @DudZ IG page will be an easy to use link for our store, along with store hours, to increase foot traffic. Upon entering the site, an image will appear for an immediate 10% off with entering your email for our exclusive email list. How fun!

Twitter will be a different beast. I’ve observed the success of Twitter accounts such as @MoonPie and @Wendys . Both accounts use a ton of humor to drive RT’s and follows. DudZ on Broadway will be no different:

@DudZ : This suit’s you.

Ongoing Implementation

Obviously after Pete Petoniak wears a suit/bum bag combo while forecasting this weekend’s weather, sales are bound to shoot up. Customers will be lined up (six feet apart) around the block to get their hands on our garments. Since so many people around Brown County will be wearing the DoB waist wares, why waist it!? DudZ on Broadway will strike a deal: post a photo with one of our suits, or fanny packs, and 20% off your next purchase. Post a photo with both? 40% off! When will the insanity end?

With a super strong social media buzz, and great grassroots growing, DoB should be around for a very, very, long time. Or as long as you can stand looking cool. Choice is yours.

Final Digital Marketing Thoughts

This was the second course I took at NWTC that was actually in line with my program. I didn’t know what to expect, but I’m glad I learned about things like SEO, web design, and email marketing. The latter blew me away, as I always wondered how I felt so targeted in certain emails and spam.

While I have another social media driven class coming up, the section on it in this course scratched an itch, for sure. Pinterest and LinkedIn were areas that I can honestly say I didn’t have a lot of knowledge on- can’t really seem to navigate too well. Hopefully with practice and use I can get past that.

My question for fellow/former classmates is this: which social media platform do you think is most successful, in terms of actual or potential sales? In my opinion, it would be Twitter. Seeing others actively engage in a product, like White Claw last summer, definitely made me want to get some of that low calorie seltzer. And I did. More than a few times.

Peace to all! It’s been real, real fun.

One thought on “I’m Bringing Fanny Packs Back (yeah). And other ramblings.

  1. A very entertaining blog post, to say the least. I was ripping at the seam trying to keep from chuckling the entire way through. But in seriousness, I though you were spot on with using locally known influencers to help with recognition. The challenge for this though, since you are not creating a new product or brand, per se, you are creating (or recreating) a new style. Styles and trends are very tricky to get to catch on unless you are already an established trend setter. But this is why I bought into you using local influencers to sport your new look; this may create buy in among their followers and generate the demand for the style that way. I enjoyed your take on this project.


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