Goodbye Marine Biology, Hello Digital Marketing!

When you were a kid, did you ever have that dream job you always wanted? Mine was to be a Marine Biologist. Look where that got me though. Sometimes you have to let go of past dreams to focus on the now. This is why I have decided to write about the importance of Digital Marketing to me and how it will help me in the future. The transition from high school to college can be stressful. Some parents may expect their kids to know what they want to do before high school even ends, but most of the time, it doesn’t work out how they want it to. Using myself as an example, I took a gap year…for two and a half years. I thought I knew what I wanted to do, so I went to school in Madison for criminal law, then decided that I didn’t want to do that anymore. I packed my bags and moved back home, wondering what the heck I was going to do next. For a while, I kept saying that I wanted to go back to school to do photography, then substance abuse counseling, then a vet tech, and I ended up not doing any of those. I was lost. That was until I discovered Digital Marketing. Anything to do with the media is up my alley, so that’s why I decided to talk about why it’s important to me.

What is Digital Marketing? According to the internet, Digital Marketing is a form of advertising that uses the internet and digital technologies to connect with customers ( Promoting a product, person, or service on the media is how you catch the eye of a potential consumer. For example, a friend of mine is actually a brand ambassador for the drink Bubblr, which is a very popular caffeine drink that contains antioxidants and is supposed to be good for you (still wouldn’t recommend drinking one everyday though). She posts herself drinking Bubblr on her social media platforms to bring in the attention of more potential customers. Repping for a brand means hyping it up, so being an ambassador for Bubblr, you could say that it’s full of antioxidants and it is gluten free ( You can be an ambassador if you are a college student, which is something I have thought about doing myself to put myself out there on the media.

Digital advertising includes internet-delivered ads in paid search advertising, digital video ads, display advertising, podcast advertising, and other forms of digital advertising that include but are not limited to email acquisition, audio streaming, classified ads, lead generation services, and apps.

After graduating college, I want to do something big, like work for the Green Bay Packers. Promoting for the Packers is something I have thought about doing since I decided to go back to school for Digital Marketing. As of now, I am only in college to get a diploma, but if things go well, I’d like to try for an associate degree. If working for the Packers doesn’t happen, then I want to try promoting for a brand, specifically clothing or skincare brands, like The Ordinary or Garage. The Ordinary is a skincare brand that I use almost daily. There are so many different products out there that fit all types of skin, not to mention it’s pretty cheap. Garage is a clothing brand with the cutest clothes that are comfortable and pretty affordable, which is why I would totally promote those brands. There are so many options for marketing that it’s kind of hard focusing on just one thing specifically. As school goes on, I’m sure I’ll start feeling more certain of what I really want to do with my life, but working for the Green Bay Packers would still be pretty amazing.

Moral of the story: I want to make something out of myself, and Digital Marketing is the way to go for me. I’m already learning so much and school just started. I have big ambitions that I hope to keep with me until school is finished. I was so lost in life and felt like I had no direction whatsoever, feeling like a speck of dust floating aimlessly through the air. Having a mental illness did not help my cause either, for having one can make you doubt yourself and second guess everything you do. My mom and sister have pushed me to find something I want to do with my life, and I finally have. With all the love and support I have been getting from family and friends, I am going to keep moving forward and not look back on the past.

5 thoughts on “Goodbye Marine Biology, Hello Digital Marketing!

  1. Lauren,

    I related to your story of trying to figure out what you wanted to do in life and at feeling lost. I am almost in my retirement years and I still feel this way. I too am leaning towards Digital Marketing to start the next chapter in my life. I am glad that you have found something that engages you. I loved hearing about your friend who promotes Bubblr. I am intrigued that people like your friend can actually make money by using their social media in promoting products. My goal is to find a way to leverage the skills that I learn in the Digital Marketing certificate program for retirement income.


  2. I loved loved loved this! I’ll let you in on a little secret about life…. you will never figure it out. Nothing will be perfect, you will have jobs you think you will love, and actually hate them. You will find jobs that don’t always make sense but love them! I love your enthusiasm for your goals in life as a girl just starting out on her career path. I also love ‘garage’ so for you to promote them would be awesome! Good luck girl!


  3. Hi Lauren,

    I found it very interesting that your friend promotes Bubblr, I love Bubblr drinks! I completely understand your statement about not necessarily knowing what to do. It took me a while to decide which part of IT I wanted to be in and I decided on Web Development and Design as it fit me best. I enjoyed reading your blog, it was great to learn more about what made you decide digital marketing.


  4. Wonderful blog! I totally loved that you were able to make the blog personal making it enjoyable read but also factual.


  5. If only we could all be our childhood dream. I was dead set on being a train conductor as a little kid but here I am in school to be a graphic designer. It’s probably better to take career advice from our adult selves than our wonder-filled childhood. I completely understand not really feeling like you have any direction in life. I decided to try graphic design in high school purely because I thought a web graphics class would be an easy A. It was, but it also opened my eyes to a whole new career field that, so far, I am really enjoying.


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