Name That Keyword

I have done many google searches for anything from, why do I have pain in my left thumb to where can I find a certain type of workout shirt. Google is a dictionary, medical book, encyclopedia, phonebook and newspaper ad all in one. So as I sit at my computer to do the homework assignment I find myself drawing a blank as to what to search for. Think, Terrie, what do you have coming up that you may need to purchase or learn something about for either work or home? Aha, my grandson is having a birthday this weekend. Hence my first search is what to get a three year old boy. Get ready to make some money, Google, as I enter my first keyword.

1. Gifts For a Three Year Old Boy

My choice of ads to click is based on my preferences. I procrastinated so I knew that I had to use my Prime account for fast shipping hence is why I clicked on the first ad for Amazon. The shopping ads that appeared first on the SERP where enticing to say the least. My grandson is into monster trucks so I did also click on the shopping ad for Story Bug to see what it was about. If I had more time I may have ordered the monster truck story book from the Story Bug site. The landing page was relevant, had reviews and offered a promotional discount. The landing page for the Amazon ad was also relevant and gave me many options for gifts for a three year old. The ad did not show me toys that would be for an older child which is the power of keyword matching. I was more than likely going to convert to a purchase as long as I found an appealing gift that was unique and safe for his age.

2. Seamstresses In Green Bay

I search with this keyword because I have a dress that I need altered for my son’s wedding coming up in October. I will have to hire someone close to where I live. This SERP did not have any ads. I think the reason why no company paid for an ad is because the volume of business for a seamstress may not produce enough revenue to warrant the cost of the ad. I like the first organic result with the words “FREE estimate”. The landing page was clear, had a CTA button on the top right and a link to click to make a phone call.

3. Realtors In Green Bay

These results surprised me because my son works for a local realtor and his firm did not show up in the ad section. So this told me that his firm does not pay for a Google Ad campaign. I am selling my condo and have hired my son’s firm but wondered about other realtors in the area. Another interesting thing is the green checkmark followed by the words “GOOGLE SCREENED“. This means that the list of realtors underneath the checkmark are reputable, licensed and have been vetted by Local Service Ads which is a partner of Google. I am inclined to click on the first sponsored ad, because of the words, “Best and Top” in the headline. The landing page was simple. It did not really show me the Best agents like it promised but did have CTA buttons to guide me to the right area based on if I was buying or selling a home.

4. Shoe Holder

The ad that I am most likely to click on is again Amazon. I needed to find something to organize my husband’s shoe collection so that we could prepare our condo to list on the market. I need to get this soon and Amazon may have something available with my prime shipping benefit. If not then I will look at the ad for Walmart to see if my local Walmart has what I need. I like that the ads all have pictures to help me figure out what my closet space could fit. The prices help guide me as well. Further down on the page was a photo of a shoe holder that would fit many sizes of shoes and that is what caught my eye. I will most likely purchase this item even though it will take five days to receive.

5. House Cleaning Services In Green Bay

My next keyword search is a result of the cleaning that I am doing to get my condo on the market. I am so busy that I think I want to find someone to do the rest of the work for me. I am likely to click on one of the “GOOGLE GUARANTEED” businesses. Selling your home is very important so I want to make sure who I choose is reputable. I clicked on the first one since their ad description stated that they have been in business for nineteen years. Their landing page was a bummer. They do not have a website so the landing page was the larger version of their ad taken from their Google My Business account. I don’t think this is encouraging a conversion from me because I want to see what they are all about before calling them.

My Takeaway

This exercise gave me a better understanding of how ads work with Google. The keyword is the most important thing when creating an ad campaign. My husband owns a business and I found myself educating him on what he should do to create more traffic. I also googled a keyword that related to his company and noticed that he did not have an ad campaign with google. He did not know this. He will be bringing this up to the president of the company and looking at their advertising budget. He has to think about the keywords and possibly use some negative words so that he isn’t paying for clicks that are not relevant. For example he only sells men’s formalwear so we do not want to have women’s formalwear showing up when the keyword “formalwear” is searched. Keyword research is the heart of ad campaigns.

Like flour in a baking recipe, without it your digital marketing strategy, like your baking is likely to fall rather flat.

3 thoughts on “Name That Keyword

  1. Terrie – I loved reading your blog post! I didn’t know “Google Guarantee” was something Google offered. I know I would be very easily swayed by a Google Guarantee!


  2. Wizards of Real Estate – I love that! It’s giving: Dorothy and Her Friends found her way through the Yellow Brick Road. I love that: gave me hope, inspiration, and something to research.


  3. I enjoyed reading what your searches were. They were very different and it reminds me of how the internet does drag your mind to different places so quickly with lots to offer! ALSO:: I am learning so much with this class as well for my employer as you are for your husband!


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