The Products and Services that Compose Kayla Janka.

As a Single-Married SAHM and Full Time Student to a 6 month old life can be trying and tiring sometimes. However, I have learned and understood the importance of self love, care, and maintenance a long time ago. Some things just hit different being Spud’s Momma.

Somethings that have helped me in the past that continue to are: CBD Oil and The YMCA due to the incredible healing and social benefits. The CBD oil helps regulate my system while The YMCA helps to encourage more wholesome outings with my son – so we can be active easier, safer, and most contained.

Acupuncture has always been something I have contemplated doing, but with all the tattooing – when I have a break, I’d rather not get more needles stuck into me. Therefore, it’s always been a strong consideration but never an active plan.

CBD Oil: Is very helpful for me when I am feeling a bit anxious or uneasy. It helps me to eat and to feel calm. I use it about twice a day.

Blue Verbena is very helpful in my case when it comes to bath time. I like to add some in the water mixture as it enhances my chill and gives a reborn type of feeling.

Hydrotherapy is something I started to consider when I saw Stranger Things. The knowledge has inspired me to participate lightly while in home to prep and pamper before I am able to grab myself an appointment for the real deal. It’s funny – with him I am waiting to swim, with me I am waiting to float. (Him being My Son.)

The YMCA is a beautiful place that caters to its community and low-income families – providing the best of all worlds for everyone willing and able to participate, show up, and have a good time.

  1. At this point in time I am most likely to click the YMCA ad because it matched my idiosyncratic preferences better. It appealed to me on a 10/10 level: because this is the stage my son and I are entering.
  2. In my personal opinion the ads appear as a group, with an emphasis on hierarchy. Being: The YMCA, CBD Oil, Blue Verbena, Hydrotherapy, and lastly acupuncture.
  3. The YMCA Ad appeals to me the most. The landing page is standard family friendly and it completely aligns to the messages. It most certainly encourages conversion, but in the form of entering a brick and mortar.
  4. All searches support ads.
  5. Reflection on learnings and potential applications: Adding companies to Facebook, Google, and Yelp to have a stronger internet presence and also immediate representation of their contact information.
  6. Provide interesting and thought provoking takeaways: Blackhat SEO is synonymous to buying viewers, followers, and likes.

In conclusion, I am glad to recognize different products and services that will help enrich not only my life but my sons as well, because it sure does make things a lot easier, attainable, and affordable economically (whether you apply spiritual, mental, physical, financial, etc.) to my wellbeing.

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