Hobbies Never Go Out of Style, Will You?

Why I Am Who I Am

Before we get into the juiciness of this topic, I’d like to first introduce myself. My name is Alexis, I was born and raised in sunny southern California. I moved to Wisconsin about five years ago, and have loved it here ever since; minus the winters. My passion is to help others, my family owns a business in Door County, where they help people with disabilities, find stable jobs. They continue to help their community 24/7 and it inspires to want to be as great. My friends would say I’m a sweet, caring, funny, girl. I’m definitely not your average college girl, mainly because I’ve never used drugs or drink. Yes, I am the DD (designated driver) for every party we all go to, but I’m okay with it because I know that my friends will make it home safe as long as I’m at the wheel.

I grew up in a very difficult situation, and I believe it is the very thing that makes me as strong-willed as I am. My past makes many wonder how I developed so well after going through what I have, but the easiest answer I can give without going too deep is my grandparents. If I hadn’t moved to Wisconsin at the time I did, who knows what kind of person I would have become. Furthermore, with moving to a new place, life becomes completely different. With my life changing so quickly, I picked up some hobbies along the way.

Silhouette Photo of Woman Against during Golden Hour Image result for black quote about hobby


What exactly are hobbies? Well, the definition I found stated, ‘An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure’ (Source). Some people might have a hard time doing work that serves no purpose other than being fun. You know that feeling: When you’re out at the movies or enjoying a long shopping trip, and you think “I really should be doing X instead.” If you’re always on the move and trying to hit a goal or better yourself, make your hobby fit that criteria. Pick one up that will help you change for the better.

My hobbies have always consisted of either social media such as YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, or exercise such as running, hiking, yoga, tennis, and swimming. I like to work with friends on various projects when I get the chance, and I make a regular appearance to see my siblings in California and in Door County; to take them on a fun little date.

Woman Flexing Her Legs

Find Your Hobby

What was the last thing you did in your life that made the time completely fly by? When did you have one of those moments where you checked the clock and were shocked you missed lunch or dinner because you were so absorbed in your work? Remember it, and then go after it, or pick apart the core ideas of what made it so special for you and see if you can find them in a different activity.

For example, if you played the piano as a child then try it out again. All it takes is one try and you could have the passion for the piano all over again. You could use it as something you’d like to improve on as well. This is just an example, but can also fit in with many other hobbies, such as a sports, DIY projects, volunteering, and much more.

Black and White Electronic Keyboard

Hobbies can make a serious impact on your quality of life. But they can also improve your work performance. According to licensed professional counselor Rebecca Weiler, when you’re engaged and fulfilled in your life outside of work (like you are when you’re pursuing meaningful hobbies), that happiness spills over. It can make you more focused and enthusiastic when you’re on the job.


Why It’s Important To You

Finding something that makes you tick outside of work can seem like a giant task in and of itself, but it’s worth it to find something that makes you feel creatively and independently fulfilled, so try a few of these tips and see what happens. It may be easier to figure out than you expect. It might take a few attempts to find a hobby that you love, but the key is to not give up. Keep putting yourself out there, connecting with people, and exploring new things that feel exciting to you. Eventually, you’ll find a hobby that feels like the right fit—and you’ll learn a bunch of new things and meet cool people in the process! Like Winston Churchill once said, “To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real.”

2 thoughts on “Hobbies Never Go Out of Style, Will You?

  1. Hi Alexis,
    I loved that you touched on hobbies, I believe that they are extremely important. I have many, reading is my favorite, but I do not make enough time to do it. I do have a stack of books I am saving for the summer when I will be kayaking and riding my bike. But lazy days with a good book is the best.
    Door County is so beautiful I live right across the bay in Menominee.


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